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Muslim Manga Core Features

Community Contests

We have regular contests to engage our worldwide community

High Quality Manga

We have many high quality manga that you can enjoy and learn from

Responsive Team

Responsive Team. We want to work together with you. So we do our best to get back to you as fast as we can.


Gain a global perspective by joining Muslim Manga and making friends from all over the world.

Translated Content

Our aims is to go beyond English language only, and to translate our works into as many languages as possible. If you wish to help with that goal, make sure to let us know. We can always use an extra hand.


Our aim is to create content for Muslims and non-Muslims despite cultural differences that may exist among us.


Not only do we have manga, but we also have animatics, which are story-board-like animations with great voice acting.


Want to improve your art? Use one of our tutorials to improve your work.


MuslimManga also aims to create podcasts to engage people via audio.
